Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I just went outside to throw out some garbage. We got a nice hard rain tonight so the ground was nice and wet.

I see a frog. (see frog post below)

The Boyfriend is laying on my couch watching TV.

I recall The Boyfriend is afraid of frogs.

I pick up the frog.

I go inside and put the frog right in front of him on the couch.

I giggle as The Boyfriend screams, jumps off the couch and says "get it outta here!!!"

I think to myself that it was a good move not to put the frog on his leg as I would have splattered frog guts on my wall. He would have lauched that mo'fo.

I bring Sir Frogness McLeapster back outside and set him free in the cool wet grass.

I scold myself for not videotaping The Boyfriend's reaction.




A J Doetkott said...


i picked up a wee mcfroggie at the arboretum today. he totally dug me.

Stacia Howard said...

Too funny! My husband is the same way when it comes to bugs. Well, for the most part anyway. lol

CircesMagic said...

Your posts always entertain me!

I left you something on my blog!

b said...

omg, lmao! I so would have did the same thing!