Thanks in advance.

Seriously people. I was trying to get Mister Hunzer to take me to the Apple store on Monday so I could get an iPhone. I'm SO GLAD he didn't want to go! Now methinks I should keep my Razr (as much as I hate that fucking thing) and go with the 8GB iPod Touch.
By the time I make this decision, they will unveil some other cool shit that will make me change my mind AGAIN.
Here's a bonus video of the Baby Boy Child showing off some of his dancing skills (okay, it's not so much dancing but rocking side to side but it's still damn cute! Plus, you can hear me squak...I mean, sing.)
~ xoxo ~
I LOVED his story-telling
talk talk talk giggle talk giggle
What a lovey.
Your lil guy is so dam cute!!!
Oh my gosh, that guy just melts my heart. :) Watching him makes me SO eager to hear those baby babbles and giggles again.
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