I am scrapping tonight. The scrapping bug bit me over the weekend and I've been working on layouts here and there. They all center around Amanda. They are HAPPY layouts though...I can't do the sad ones yet.
I am working on right now which required a break so the white acrylic paint could dry. The title is "Angel".
Seeing that word on the page got me singing "Angel" by Aerosmith.
I promptly headed over to iTunes and downloaded the "Big Ones" album because once I saw the list of songs on the album, I had to have it. Plus it's fucking impossible to download just ONE song on iTunes. (I own the CD too...it's just packed away somewhere and for $7.99 I would rather just download it!)
I didn't stop there.
I was looking at recommended albums and came across one called "Power Ballads". Holy Shit was that playlist a blast from the past!
I ended up downloading REO Speedwagon's The Hits. I have flash-backed to my 17-year-old self daydreaming of my then-boyfriend and our song "In My Dreams".
Fucking WEIRD. And a little creepy. He liked strippers. A little too much.
Back to scrapping...
My mojo is a little rusty but I needed to use bright, happy colors when scrapping Amanda. In spite of everything this girl had gone through, she continued to smile and be strong. Her smile could erase any bad day immediately.
Dammit. I miss her.

~ xoxo ~
Oh love. That is a beautiful one of her smiling! I don't think I've ever seen that one.
I was thinking about her today too, sending out my prayers and good thoughts.
Hugs doll, I love you and your whole family!
I'm always amazed at how some people can still smile through so much. Pretty layout...nice and bright, like her face in the picture despite the scenery around her.
Oh, what a sweet angel. I am so sorry for your loss of your daughter. She looks like a sweetie and with that smile, I bet she got WHATEVER she wanted!
I notice the blood sugar #...of 800 something. Did she have uncontrolled diabetes?
I just got diagnosed w/ Type 2 diabetes last week and it's rocked my world.....
I hope your healing continues as you scrap the pics of your beautiful daughter.
I notice the blood sugar #...of 800 something. Did she have uncontrolled diabetes?
She had just been diagnosed as diabetic about a week prior to going in to DKA with a blood sugar of 856. Astonishing number, isn't it? We woke up that morning and she was completely out of it. Barely breathing, eyes rolled back in her head, etc. We called 911 and made it into downtown St. Paul in record time. Neither our blood sugar monitor or the paramedics monitor could register her level so we had to wait for the lab. It was so scary but she made it through. We were fortunate to have another two years with her.
Good luck with your diabetes treatment. Hugs!
Beautiful Sarah, it makes me weepy.
Poor baby girl...I bet she felt horrid! (what is DKA?)
Bless her little heart....it sounds like she had a hard little life....
So, where do you live in Minnesota? My mom is from White Bear Lake. And I have tons of family in that area and Michigan!!
Oh, and my diabetes....eeek! I am just overwhelmed w/ it all!
Oh, and how's the new job?
DKA is Diabetic Ketoacidosis. According to Wikipedia, DKA is a life-threatening complication in patients with untreated diabetes mellitus (chronic high blood sugar or hyperglycemia). Near complete deficiency of insulin and elevated levels of certain stress hormones combine to cause DKA.
I used to live in White Bear Lake. We moved a little north five years ago.
I had my drug test on Monday, should hear the results tomorrow (based on the holiday and my HR person being on vacation all week). I'm hoping to do orientation next week and start the following week. I'm getting antsy!!
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