I chose to stay home with the Baby Boy Child. I figured I would be in the cabin all day anyways enjoying the A/C so I may as well stay home.
BBC and I went on a little Target run for some necessities and some not-so-necessities.
I added a few books to my nightstand:

(I bought that last book a few days ago but wanted to share. I am, afterall, a second wife.)
Since we are no longer moving, I am in the process of revamping our current digs. We had cleared a lot of crap out back in February in order to put the house on the market and I am sick and tired of empty walls! I've been buying things here and there to add spice to our house. I bought some faux orchids to put in an empty cutout in our kitchen/hallway area.
I bought a print of my all-time favorite photo to hang in our bedroom. I just need to frame it.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend. My Saturday night consists of laundry, laundry and more laundry. Don't be jealous.
~ xoxo ~
PS...I've only dropped the f-bomb TWICE in the last three days and caught myself both times.
Way to go on the "F" word project!!!
And...don't you just love Target. I have to stay out of there! (but I go anyway!!!) You're books look good, expecially the first one.
Hey Sara! Check my blog!!
The books look good! And another congrats on the "F" word project...me, I think I need to work on *learning* to say that one...
I am totally stealing Thing 1 & 2 to call my kids. I LOVE that.
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