but it was soooooooooooo fucking worth it!You may have seen me mention that I was going to the Staind concert last night.
Well, I went.
And it rocked.
It kicked complete and total ASS my friends. Oh yes, it did.
Daughtry was the opening band.
Staind followed.
Then Nickelback.
We had floor tickets and it was quite humorous to see the different crowds conglomerate for each band. I'm going on two hours of sleep here so forgive my shitty recap. You only need to know three things:
~ Staind KILLED it, even with the shitcan acoustics of the arena we were at (Target Center in Minneapolis). They opened with
Falling and then played some of their big hits like
Fade, It's Been Awhile, So Far Away, Right Here, Outside, King of Excuses and closed with
~ Chris Daughtry just may have a new fan in his collection. He obviously LOVES performing and it shows. Loved his sweaty bald head too. Saw a lot of homemade tshirts that said something along the lines of "America may have voted but you are still #1 to me!" All together now ~ "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww".
~ Nickelback definitely can put on a show. I left after the 3rd song because I had to work at the ungodly hour of 3:30am this morning. The three songs I did see ("Animal", "Photograph" and some other song) were entertaining as hell. Great pyro, great energy.
This is where the hypodermic needle comes in. My feet were CRYING by the time I left. Literally crying. I looked like an akward teenage girl trying to walk in high heels for the first time as I made my way out of the show (or Amy Winehouse trying to walk a straight line but I digress...) As soon as I got in to the skyway, I took off my shoes and walked barefoot the 2-3 blocks to my car. I was so nervous that I would get mugged, murdered or step on a used heroin needle. Thankfully they keep the skways pretty nice and have emergency buttons throughout the skyway system. My feet are screaming at me today but damn ~ it was well worth the pain to see the show AND have cute shoes!
Now for the fun stuff...
Mister Hunzer and I before I left for the show. He didn't go with me this time around. I went with my little brother's girlfriend and some of her friends. It was fun to hang out with her as we rarely get to do that. Thanks for the invite Slush!
Bad pose. WTF was I thinking? Oh well. I will take the bad pose because I got to MEET STAIND! They autographed a photo AND my cell phone. LOVE it! (This photo has me counting down the days to my FUPA removal and breast reduction...BARF)
Little bit o'Daughtry for my Hero.

Sing it Aaron!
I could listen to him sing forever.

Nickelback as they take the stage.
Another view right before I got the fuck outta there.
That's the update for now. I'm pooped. It's 2pm and I want to go to bed. You know what? I just might do that. I have the day off tomorrow so I plan to catch up on some MUCH needed beauty sleep.
I do have videos from the show but have to find the good ones first. Enjoy your day!!
~ xoxo ~