Do not wash down 8 jagerbombs with two 20 ounce beers.
You will be sorry.
Carry on.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
My little piggies want to fall off.
This is why.

I love these shoes but DAMN.
The photo below pretty much describes the entire evening. Yes, it's a tampon wrapper in a beer bottle.

I went out with The Girls tonight for our Chrimmas dinner. We ate at Buca, had plenty of wine, went to an old hangout and drank beer and jager, then ended the night at Bonfire watching dueling pianos. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard! I've known each of these girls since 6th grade. I love going out with them, even if I only see them every few months.
Oh ~ I forgot that Red Bull really DOES keep you up all night. Oops.
Also, I got this little gem in an email from my brother. Seems the little douchebag was bored at work and learned how to use the copy machine. I need some unique ideas on returning the favor...

I love these shoes but DAMN.
The photo below pretty much describes the entire evening. Yes, it's a tampon wrapper in a beer bottle.

I went out with The Girls tonight for our Chrimmas dinner. We ate at Buca, had plenty of wine, went to an old hangout and drank beer and jager, then ended the night at Bonfire watching dueling pianos. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard! I've known each of these girls since 6th grade. I love going out with them, even if I only see them every few months.
Oh ~ I forgot that Red Bull really DOES keep you up all night. Oops.
Also, I got this little gem in an email from my brother. Seems the little douchebag was bored at work and learned how to use the copy machine. I need some unique ideas on returning the favor...

Thursday, December 28, 2006
I, Hunzer of the Hunzeresque Brigade, have fallen in love with the Franklin Covey store.
I was not aware that one even existed until tonight. Husband and I took the kids to the Mall of America, aka HELL. We had a friend in from out-of-town and decided to meet her there. I hate the Mall but always venture back maybe once a year. Then I remember why I hate it so much and vow never to return...
until now.
On our way out of the mall, I walked by a Franklin Covey store. I'm a planning NERD but have never realized that there are actual STORES for people like me! I bought a FC planner the other night and tweaked it to my liking. One thing has been bugging me though and that is the six holes on the inserts. Well guess what?
I bought a fucking SIX HOLE PUNCH for my planner tonight! My God I have officially entered dorkville. But that's okay, saddle up next to me at the Dorkville Bar and have a beer with me. You are ALL welcome!
I can't believe that I am excited over my six hole punch. I had a little organizational orgasm whilst perusing the Franklin Covey store.
And I'm spent.
I was not aware that one even existed until tonight. Husband and I took the kids to the Mall of America, aka HELL. We had a friend in from out-of-town and decided to meet her there. I hate the Mall but always venture back maybe once a year. Then I remember why I hate it so much and vow never to return...
until now.
On our way out of the mall, I walked by a Franklin Covey store. I'm a planning NERD but have never realized that there are actual STORES for people like me! I bought a FC planner the other night and tweaked it to my liking. One thing has been bugging me though and that is the six holes on the inserts. Well guess what?
I bought a fucking SIX HOLE PUNCH for my planner tonight! My God I have officially entered dorkville. But that's okay, saddle up next to me at the Dorkville Bar and have a beer with me. You are ALL welcome!
I can't believe that I am excited over my six hole punch. I had a little organizational orgasm whilst perusing the Franklin Covey store.
And I'm spent.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Rubbermaid will love me.
The husband and I have a New Year's goal of organizing our house to the point that an OCD person would be in AWE of us.
Okay, not THAT bad but it will be much more organized than it is right now. This will entail a lot of work, a lot of donations to the local thrift store, some bigger items up for sale on Craigslist and an assload of storage bins properly labeled and stored in the correct location.
Makes me want to puke just thinking about it. There is a reason behind the maddness though...but I can't tell just yet.
On a related note, I finally bought a Franklin Covey planner to try to organize my day-to-day shit. One would think that a stay-at-home Mom wouldn't need a daily planner but listen up...keep track of four kids, my own shit and my husband's schedule is too much for this melon to handle.
I hope you bitches had a good Chrimmas. Ours was fun, crazy and I can't say that I'm sad it's over.
2006 sucked ass and I'm heading in to 2007 with open arms baby!!
Okay, not THAT bad but it will be much more organized than it is right now. This will entail a lot of work, a lot of donations to the local thrift store, some bigger items up for sale on Craigslist and an assload of storage bins properly labeled and stored in the correct location.
Makes me want to puke just thinking about it. There is a reason behind the maddness though...but I can't tell just yet.
On a related note, I finally bought a Franklin Covey planner to try to organize my day-to-day shit. One would think that a stay-at-home Mom wouldn't need a daily planner but listen up...keep track of four kids, my own shit and my husband's schedule is too much for this melon to handle.
I hope you bitches had a good Chrimmas. Ours was fun, crazy and I can't say that I'm sad it's over.
2006 sucked ass and I'm heading in to 2007 with open arms baby!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
The feeling of warm, regurgitated breast milk dripping down inside of your shirt is pretty fucking nasty.
Good thing the baby is CUTE!!
PS...It's my breastmilk and my baby so it's not like some random cute baby regurgitated down the front of my shirt. That would be weird.
My latest earworm...
and after watching this, it'll be yours too. It's just got a certain hook to it that I can't stop singing.
After you compose yourself, watch this...
One more (can you tell Saturday's SNL was a good one??)...
Welcome to my hell. One of these three songs is constantly playing in my fucking head!!
Give it on up to homelessville!!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
People of the Internets...
meet the String.

Yes, it's just a fucking string. But this string holds importance to me. I hope to see this string start shrinking in size each week.
You see, I had a baby boy 11 weeks ago. While I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight and all that jazz, I'm not comfortable with myself AT ALL. If you have had a baby, you know that things shift afterwards and you look completely different post-baby, even if you weigh the same as when you GOT pregnant.
About ten days ago, I had surgery to take care of some complications from my c-section. I finally feel somewhat normal for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. I have energy again!!
Yet my body disgusts me. Annex sent me her pics from our trip to Burbank. Yeah, I'm a real fucking hottie. GAG There is nothing like seeing your self in photos to really show how nasty you are.
I have a plan in action to start working out and toning the bod. I don't want to diet beacuse I'm nursing. When you are breastfeeding, you are actually supposed to increase your daily caloric intake by 300-500 calories. Cutting calories is a big no-no.
I don't have a scale. Scratch that. I *do* have a scale but it's broken and really needs to be thrown in the garbage. I refuse to buy another one. I don't want to have access to my weight at any given moment.
This is where the String comes in.
I took this string and wrapped it around my waist. This is the circumference of my waist right now. As I work out, I hope to be chopping off bits of this string on a weekly basis. Some day I will measure this string but for now, I like that I do not know the actual measurement.
So wish me luck on this endeavor. Based on my latest weight at the doc's office, I figure I could stand to lose about 20 pounds and still maintain a healthy weight for me and for the baby.
~ My Elliptical Machine is no longer a clothing rack.
~ My 32oz. jug from the hospital (says "Maternity" on will be filled with water throughout the day
~ I'm starting my dance classes again on January 3rd ~ tap, jazz and hip-hop. That means I will be dancing and conditioning for two hours every Wednesday night. I had to take a year off of dancing because of school and then the baby. I'm ready to start it again. I miss dancing. Especially tap. I love tap!!
~ I have a new Pilates DVD and Ball. I could take Pilates at my dance studio but that will put me there an extra hour on top of my two hours per week and my daughter's hour each week.
Plus I queef like crazy when I do Pilates. Kind of embarrassing in a group situation.
I'll say it have it so fucking easy.

Yes, it's just a fucking string. But this string holds importance to me. I hope to see this string start shrinking in size each week.
You see, I had a baby boy 11 weeks ago. While I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight and all that jazz, I'm not comfortable with myself AT ALL. If you have had a baby, you know that things shift afterwards and you look completely different post-baby, even if you weigh the same as when you GOT pregnant.
About ten days ago, I had surgery to take care of some complications from my c-section. I finally feel somewhat normal for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. I have energy again!!
Yet my body disgusts me. Annex sent me her pics from our trip to Burbank. Yeah, I'm a real fucking hottie. GAG There is nothing like seeing your self in photos to really show how nasty you are.
I have a plan in action to start working out and toning the bod. I don't want to diet beacuse I'm nursing. When you are breastfeeding, you are actually supposed to increase your daily caloric intake by 300-500 calories. Cutting calories is a big no-no.
I don't have a scale. Scratch that. I *do* have a scale but it's broken and really needs to be thrown in the garbage. I refuse to buy another one. I don't want to have access to my weight at any given moment.
This is where the String comes in.
I took this string and wrapped it around my waist. This is the circumference of my waist right now. As I work out, I hope to be chopping off bits of this string on a weekly basis. Some day I will measure this string but for now, I like that I do not know the actual measurement.
So wish me luck on this endeavor. Based on my latest weight at the doc's office, I figure I could stand to lose about 20 pounds and still maintain a healthy weight for me and for the baby.
~ My Elliptical Machine is no longer a clothing rack.
~ My 32oz. jug from the hospital (says "Maternity" on will be filled with water throughout the day
~ I'm starting my dance classes again on January 3rd ~ tap, jazz and hip-hop. That means I will be dancing and conditioning for two hours every Wednesday night. I had to take a year off of dancing because of school and then the baby. I'm ready to start it again. I miss dancing. Especially tap. I love tap!!
~ I have a new Pilates DVD and Ball. I could take Pilates at my dance studio but that will put me there an extra hour on top of my two hours per week and my daughter's hour each week.
I'll say it have it so fucking easy.
Monday, December 11, 2006
God I hope this isn't to scale!!
My five-year-old daughter drew a photo of us today. Can you guess which one is me?

I'm a litte unnerved by the belly button. At least, I hope that's my belly button. If it is, why is it as big as my boo-boos?? (Her term for "boobs")
Annex and I went to Burbank, CA last week so I could be a Knitster on an episode of Knitty Gritty. From left to right we have Etta (Knitster), Trish (Knitster), Tricia Waddell (behind Trish, Designer), Vickie Howell (Hostess with the Mostess) and me. :)

I told one of the women who works on the show that I was going to kick off my 30th birthday with this trip to Burbank so they surprised me at the end of the show with a birthday cake! A very delicous birthday cake at that.
Annex and I had an extra day to fuck off in Burbank so that we did. One of the places we visited was the WB Studios. We went on the tour...yes, the lame-ass tour where you ride in a tram around the sound stages and look like complete jackasses...and managed to see some cool sound stages and sets. I thought the Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip sound stage was awesome. It was the most realistic one to me. We did a lot with the Gilmore Girls but since I'm not a fan, I wasn't that impressed. Ask Annex for the glory of it ~ she loves that show! It's just one that I haven't gotten in to yet.
I was bummed because we didn't get to see any ER sound stages. They were taping so all we got to do was catch a glimpse of the ambulance bay, the outside of County General and the outside of Luka Kovac's apartment. Still cool but disappointing. I was also hoping to jump in to Goran Visjnics pants (or John Stamos' pants) but to no avail. Sigh. Better luck next time I guess.
Being the tourist dorks that we are, we got a free photo taken in front of a green screen and were superimposed on to a photo of the penguins from Happy Feet.
Warning ~ Now entering NERDVILLE...(it's a good thing we are cute!)

I hid Annex's face to protect her coolness. *wink* My kids love this photo. They can't believe I got to dance with penguins!!
The fam and I finally decorated our tree tonight. I love it! It's messy, everything clashes with each other and perfect in every way. It looks like a Christmas Ornament store threw up on our tree and then shit out some lights and ribbon to top it off. The angel on top looks drunk. The kids had a blast decorating the tree though and that is what counts. I see all these beautiful Christmas trees in malls, hotels (*coughcoughwhereyoucanstealornamentsfromcoughcough*) and think "how in the hell do people learn to decorate like that? Is there a class I need to take or something?"
Check out this tree from Burbank Town Center. It was ginormous. It was three stories high. I am trying to find out the width of the base because it was fucking HUGE!!

I was born without the Home Decor gene. I like things to match and look nice but that's it. I could give a shit about the rest.
When I find the charger to my camera, I'll post pics of our fugly Xmas tree (I think I left it in Burbank...FUCK!!). Until then, you'll have to use your imagination.
PS ~ Annex, good thing we left before Nicole Richie got on the road!! Psst Nicole...More hamburgers, less mary jane.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
They are cute AND funny?? I'm in LOVE!!
Thanks to my friend Marie, I have discovered the hysterical and hot duo of Barats and Bereta. They crack my shit up! A few of my favorite videos from them are below.
Completely Uncalled For
Auto Insurance
Mother's Day Photo
Like I said ~ they are hot AND funny. A perfect Hunzer combo!
Completely Uncalled For
Auto Insurance
Mother's Day Photo
Like I said ~ they are hot AND funny. A perfect Hunzer combo!
Friday, December 08, 2006
The funniest shit I've ever read in a Holiday Letter...EVER!!
This letter is from an elderly Aunt whom I never see. My Mom actually got the letter but I'm just saying I read it to make the story easier to tell.
The letter was your typical Debbie Downer Holiday letter with major health problems for my elderly Uncle, etc. My Mom was reading it to me and each line just got worse and worse.
Then she read this one.
"Sadly Petie, our singing canary, died of a heart attack while I was clipping his nails."
I lost it. I was laughing so hard that I was in tears. My Mom says "Yep, that's when I lost it too."
My question was "Can you even clip a bird's nails?"
My Mom's question was "How in the hell did she know he had a heart attack?"
Then the clincher:
Remember Petie on Dumb and Dumber?
"Our pets' HEADS are falling off!!"
"Pretty bird, pretty bird."

just for those Eddie Murphy "Delirious" fans...
My Great Aunt's name is Bunny.
No shit.
I have an Aunt Bunny.
and she's comin' to git me.
The letter was your typical Debbie Downer Holiday letter with major health problems for my elderly Uncle, etc. My Mom was reading it to me and each line just got worse and worse.
Then she read this one.
"Sadly Petie, our singing canary, died of a heart attack while I was clipping his nails."
I lost it. I was laughing so hard that I was in tears. My Mom says "Yep, that's when I lost it too."
My question was "Can you even clip a bird's nails?"
My Mom's question was "How in the hell did she know he had a heart attack?"
Then the clincher:
Remember Petie on Dumb and Dumber?
"Our pets' HEADS are falling off!!"
"Pretty bird, pretty bird."

just for those Eddie Murphy "Delirious" fans...
My Great Aunt's name is Bunny.
No shit.
I have an Aunt Bunny.
and she's comin' to git me.
Aunt Bunny,
Dumb and Dumber,
Eddie Murphy
I'm POOPED!! Home from Los Angeles my lovelies.
I went to Los Angeles this week to be a Knitster on the DIY Network show Knitty Gritty. If you knit (and even crochet), then chances are that you are aware of this funky show. It was fun. I'm exhausted. I'm now realizing how much I suck at the craft of knitting. :)
More to come...
More to come...
Monday, December 04, 2006
Men have it SOOOOO fucking EASY!!
This is my uterus as of the last NINE FUCKING WEEKS...

She's a little cranky, that one.
Carry on.
(Oh ~ I did NOT knit that uterus. If you want to knit it, there IS a pattern...follow me...)

She's a little cranky, that one.
Carry on.
(Oh ~ I did NOT knit that uterus. If you want to knit it, there IS a pattern...follow me...)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
One Week to Los Angeles baby!!
(And I write out "Los Angeles" instead of LA because I was asked if I was going to a Cali girl no less! Ya goof!)
I have a shitload of stuff to get done before I leave and I found out today that I'm having some minor surgery on Thursday or Friday. That will put me down for at least two days (and it best not go beyond that).
I found out that I can bring my knitting needles and crochet hooks on the plane. YAY! It's a 3.5 hour flight and I'm a nervous flyer so this will be a welcome distraction.
That and Xanax.
And Annex.
And now I bust out in haiku...
I have a shitload of stuff to get done before I leave and I found out today that I'm having some minor surgery on Thursday or Friday. That will put me down for at least two days (and it best not go beyond that).
I found out that I can bring my knitting needles and crochet hooks on the plane. YAY! It's a 3.5 hour flight and I'm a nervous flyer so this will be a welcome distraction.
That and Xanax.
And Annex.
And now I bust out in haiku...
Xanax and Annex
Two of my favorite things.
LA here we come!
Two of my favorite things.
LA here we come!
Some random spoutings for this fine Wednesday morning:
* My cat trained herself to shit outside. This happened sometime this summer. (Not that I'm complaining...) Is that weird?
* When will this bunghole update his damn blog?
* My husband can sleep under ANY condition yet I will stay up all night worrying about the most unimportant things. I wish I had his sleeping abilities but I will pass on his extreme snoring. My God it is going to drive me insane one of these days.
* I'm really starting to like this knitting thing. I love to crochet but it seems there are cuter clothing items when it comes to knitting.
* I'm so far behind on my scrapbooking but guess what...I do not care! I recently become a member of a design team so I know I will get cracking on those pages soon enough.
* I have found a new love for making cards and doing card swaps. It's so much fun to be able to give a handmade card. Of course, I will always purchase cards from this website...They are so wrong yet so damn funny!
Peace, love and all that shit...
Thursday, November 23, 2006
This is so stinkin' CUTE!
If you are in the mood to smile, then go check out this website. My favorite photo from that page is right here:

I want that cat!

I want that cat!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Rock out with your Gem out.
Just in time for the holidays.
I present to you, the Gem Sweater song.
(A metallic camel-toe is really quite frightening, isn't it?
I present to you, the Gem Sweater song.
(A metallic camel-toe is really quite frightening, isn't it?
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Dammit! The quiz nailed me.
I hate it when they are right.
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Inland North You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop." | |
The Midland | |
North Central | |
The West | |
The Northeast | |
Philadelphia | |
Boston | |
The South | |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
Can somebody punch me in the face?
Because I have Fergie's lovely "London Bridge" gellin' in my melon and frankly, a broken jaw would be more pleasant.
That's all.
That's all.
Friday, November 10, 2006
My own Mastercard commercial.
Roundtrip Ticket to Los Angeles ~ $175
Three Nights Hotel ~ $375
The experience I will have ~ PRICELESS
Holy shit ... I'm going to LA bitches!! To make this already perfect trip even MORE perfect, I'm going with one of my bestest friends in the whole world, Annex.
Annex is not only one of my best friends but she and I have gone on a few vacays together. The most recent one was Atlanta in February 2005 so I think it's high time we corrupt another town.
I turn 30 years old in February. *gulp* Yes, I said THIRTY. This trip shall kick off my 30th birthday festivities...and we are going in December.
Yeah ~ I'm celebrating my birthday over the span of at least three months. Don't be jealous.
I'm so excited that I could just SHIT.
Unfortunately I cannot so I will just do a little jig around my kitchen island.
Three Nights Hotel ~ $375
The experience I will have ~ PRICELESS
Holy shit ... I'm going to LA bitches!! To make this already perfect trip even MORE perfect, I'm going with one of my bestest friends in the whole world, Annex.
Annex is not only one of my best friends but she and I have gone on a few vacays together. The most recent one was Atlanta in February 2005 so I think it's high time we corrupt another town.
I turn 30 years old in February. *gulp* Yes, I said THIRTY. This trip shall kick off my 30th birthday festivities...and we are going in December.
Yeah ~ I'm celebrating my birthday over the span of at least three months. Don't be jealous.
I'm so excited that I could just SHIT.
Unfortunately I cannot so I will just do a little jig around my kitchen island.
I'm such a quiz whore. And a scrapbooking whore.
Therefore, I give you the SCRAPBOOKING PAPER QUIZ. Love me now, hate me later.

Which Scrapbooking Paper Collection Are You?

You are CHATTERBOX paper!You enjoy being a social butterfly and tend sometimes to think of scrapbooking more as a social event! When at a crop you might find yourself talking more than scrapping! But that's okay, when you do do a page it is bright and sunny just like your personality!
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |
| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Thank you to Kara and her blog for turning me on to this quiz. XOXO

Which Scrapbooking Paper Collection Are You?

You are CHATTERBOX paper!You enjoy being a social butterfly and tend sometimes to think of scrapbooking more as a social event! When at a crop you might find yourself talking more than scrapping! But that's okay, when you do do a page it is bright and sunny just like your personality!
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |
| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Thank you to Kara and her blog for turning me on to this quiz. XOXO
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Only Me...
I pulled a "Hunzer" today...again...
If you read my old blog, then you are aware of the razor vs. taint incident. If not, use your imagination.
This morning I managed to poke myself in the eye with my tweezers. That felt FANTASTIC. There is nothing like a good scrape across your pupil to start your day out right.
If you read my old blog, then you are aware of the razor vs. taint incident. If not, use your imagination.
This morning I managed to poke myself in the eye with my tweezers. That felt FANTASTIC. There is nothing like a good scrape across your pupil to start your day out right.
I was about 30 rows in to knitting my daughter's scarf when I realized I fucked up. I ended up frogging the whole thing.
Note to self ~ Don't knit while on Ambien. It doesn't turn out so hot.
Note to self ~ Don't knit while on Ambien. It doesn't turn out so hot.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Here's a little known factoid for ya!
Did you know that Minnesota is home to the World's Largest Turkey? That it is folks!
The familia and I happened to be near this big ass turkey back in May so we snapped a few pics of the giant piece of poultry. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 05, 2006
A few of my recent projects.
Crocheted Hat and Scarf from The Happy Hooker (Boy Beanie and One Skein Scarf). I tweaked the pattern a bit for the boy beanie but followed the one for the scarf exact.

Here's my progress on my newborn son's baby blanket, all done in single crochet.

A hat to match my son's blanket.

The first three pages from my Circle Journal. This is going to be passed around a group of about 10 scrapbookers.

Two cards that I just finished for a card swap.

And a photo of my newborn son, born October 2nd. Have to share this cutie!! I post this photo because he has jowls. He was born 5.5 weeks early and just skin-and-bones. Now he's getting some fat on his little body.

~ Hunz
Sunday, October 29, 2006
I have traded in my personal Hunzer blog for this one. While the majority of my entries will focus on different crafty shit that I'm working on, there will still be that underlying Hunz personality shining through.
Basically, instead of saying "Look at this cute baby blanket that I made" it will come out as...
Check this SHIT out baby! I crocheted a baby blanket. BOOYAH bitches!
Yep...I put the "ass" in CLASS.
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