Friday, June 29, 2007
I can no longer use the phrase "because it's Friday, I ain't got no job...I ain't got shit to do!" because I am now a working woman. Full-time baby. I got the job offer today, I have to get my drug test done on Monday and then it's ON.
WOOHOOO!!! I was beginning to think there was no hope for a SAHM of almost seven years but there IS.
What did I do?
~ xoxo ~
Thursday, June 28, 2007
How do you rate?

I knew I had an addictive personality!
I had a total Eddie Murphy moment earlier today.
Yes, my kids lost their fucking MINDS!! I grabbed my camera and snapped some photos, of course, but damn...I was giggling to myself the entire time. All I could think was "I have some ice cream...and you don't have none...cuz you are on the welfare..."
Enjoy your chuckle of the day.
~ xoxo ~
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Your ovaries will lurch.
The baby boy child was babbling away in his exersaucer tonight so I tried to get it on tape. It worked for about 15 seconds and then I was spotted. His reaction is freaking HYSTERICAL!
Or maybe it's just funny to me.
Either way, you must see this. He just goes apeshit in his exersaucer ~ loves that damn thing!!
I'm off for a little midnight rendevouz with Jack Bauer.
~ xoxo ~
Or maybe it's just funny to me.
Either way, you must see this. He just goes apeshit in his exersaucer ~ loves that damn thing!!
I'm off for a little midnight rendevouz with Jack Bauer.
~ xoxo ~
{ Inspired }
If you read my previous post, you can tell I was dragging ass earlier today. I still am but decided to start putting my office back together.

I needed to create. I needed to use bright colors. I needed to do something NOW. Something quick and easy. Something VERY necessary...

Now we will KNOW when the dishes are clean. WOOHOO!! It's the little things, really.
The sign is currently drying after I modge-podged the SHIT out of it. There will be three sets of grubby little hands playing with it so I needed to do something to protect it. I'll show another photo in a week. It will be DESTROYED.
Oh well. It'll be fun while it lasts...
~ xoxo ~
PS...My dishwasher really isn't that dirty. I swear! I'm a fucktard when it comes to using a flash with my camera. Give me a few years. I'll figure it out.

I needed to create. I needed to use bright colors. I needed to do something NOW. Something quick and easy. Something VERY necessary...

Now we will KNOW when the dishes are clean. WOOHOO!! It's the little things, really.
The sign is currently drying after I modge-podged the SHIT out of it. There will be three sets of grubby little hands playing with it so I needed to do something to protect it. I'll show another photo in a week. It will be DESTROYED.
Oh well. It'll be fun while it lasts...
~ xoxo ~
PS...My dishwasher really isn't that dirty. I swear! I'm a fucktard when it comes to using a flash with my camera. Give me a few years. I'll figure it out.
-- POOP --
More later, when I can fully function (and no, it won't be about poop. But I am taking ALLI so I *do* have poop stories...but I prmoise, my next entry won't be about poop).
~ xoxo ~
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Just a quickie...
Thanks to Jessica at How About Orange, I was able to find some wicked-funky-ass wallpaper for my desktop!

Ain't it cute? I was torn between that one and this one:

Based on my mood, I wanted something less feminine and more I-don't-know-what.
Enjoy your weekend my blog cronies. My computer is shutting down here in a few minutes so I can take apart the rest of my office and move it to another spot in La Casa de Hunzerita over the next few days.
~ xoxo ~

Ain't it cute? I was torn between that one and this one:

Based on my mood, I wanted something less feminine and more I-don't-know-what.
Enjoy your weekend my blog cronies. My computer is shutting down here in a few minutes so I can take apart the rest of my office and move it to another spot in La Casa de Hunzerita over the next few days.
~ xoxo ~
Monday, June 18, 2007
We're gonna SCORE tonight!
Well, tomorrow. The kids and I are going bowling with my neighbor and her kids. I love bowling. I want to be on a bowling league, wear an ugly bowling shirt personalized with my name like Paulette Rebchuck on Grease 2.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Take a gander (and I'm totally wanting gold hot pants!)
Good luck getting THAT one out of your head!
~ xoxo ~
Don't know what I'm talking about? Take a gander (and I'm totally wanting gold hot pants!)
Good luck getting THAT one out of your head!
~ xoxo ~
IKEA is my own personal wet dream.
I love to buy things to help me organize. Although these days, it seems nothing helps! I don't get discouraged though...I just keep buying organizational materials in hopes, one day, I will be cool and organized like the pages of Real Simple (my newfound porn).
On Saturday, Husband and I took our crew of children to IKEA. Husband had never been to IKEA so we figured it would be a good weekend to go. We are in the market for some bigger ticket items which required a lot of browsing and writing down of information so we can come back later, buy it and bring it home when we don't have a vehicle overflowing with children.
We did do some shopping though...
We bought a set of cute wine glasses as a gift for my BFF and her new house. It's beautiful!!
I bought a spice rack that holds 12 jars ~ perfect for eyelets, brads and buttons (which will be organized by color, tyvm!)
I bought four jars for my ribbon bits and one huge jar to hold all of my flowers ~ fabric, paper, whatever.
I bought a hanging toy organizer from Children's Ikea for my yarn. It's supposed to hold stuffed animals so I figure I can have it hold all of my yarn.
See, the Husband and I are creating a new office that we can both use. He has his hobbies and I have mine. When we work on them, we are in different areas of the house. Hopefully, in our new workspace, we can be in there at the same time, working on our own projects. One big item we want is a flat screen tv so we can continue to watch our favorite tv show on DVD (24) and other stuff while we work.
I envision a big, overstuffed chair in the corner of the room where I can sit and crochet while he does his thing. Or where he can sit and snore while I do mine. The bottom line is that it will enable us to spend more time together. Pretty friggin' cool concept, eh?
Until he pisses me off.
Then his shit will be sitting out in the family room and he can find his own flippin' office!!!
I "jist kiddin'" know I love you!
The Husband got some random goodies for Father's Day. He got a 2007 Road Atlas (he plans to do some road-tripping this year). He also got two tshirts, one of which cracks me up. It's blue and says "I ♥ HOT MOMS". Good man...good man. *wink*
It's supposed to storm today (YAY!!). I'm hoping to get caught up in my PSE 5.0 class as I'm about a week and a half behind. Then I want to get at least one digi layoug done because Miki has OUTDONE herself with a GORGEOUS kit coming out soon!!
I leave you with a photo of Woodstock and Snoopy. This sits right outside of the entrance to IKEA.

~ xoxo ~
On Saturday, Husband and I took our crew of children to IKEA. Husband had never been to IKEA so we figured it would be a good weekend to go. We are in the market for some bigger ticket items which required a lot of browsing and writing down of information so we can come back later, buy it and bring it home when we don't have a vehicle overflowing with children.
We did do some shopping though...
We bought a set of cute wine glasses as a gift for my BFF and her new house. It's beautiful!!
I bought a spice rack that holds 12 jars ~ perfect for eyelets, brads and buttons (which will be organized by color, tyvm!)
I bought four jars for my ribbon bits and one huge jar to hold all of my flowers ~ fabric, paper, whatever.
I bought a hanging toy organizer from Children's Ikea for my yarn. It's supposed to hold stuffed animals so I figure I can have it hold all of my yarn.
See, the Husband and I are creating a new office that we can both use. He has his hobbies and I have mine. When we work on them, we are in different areas of the house. Hopefully, in our new workspace, we can be in there at the same time, working on our own projects. One big item we want is a flat screen tv so we can continue to watch our favorite tv show on DVD (24) and other stuff while we work.
I envision a big, overstuffed chair in the corner of the room where I can sit and crochet while he does his thing. Or where he can sit and snore while I do mine. The bottom line is that it will enable us to spend more time together. Pretty friggin' cool concept, eh?
Until he pisses me off.
Then his shit will be sitting out in the family room and he can find his own flippin' office!!!
I "jist kiddin'" know I love you!
The Husband got some random goodies for Father's Day. He got a 2007 Road Atlas (he plans to do some road-tripping this year). He also got two tshirts, one of which cracks me up. It's blue and says "I ♥ HOT MOMS". Good man...good man. *wink*
It's supposed to storm today (YAY!!). I'm hoping to get caught up in my PSE 5.0 class as I'm about a week and a half behind. Then I want to get at least one digi layoug done because Miki has OUTDONE herself with a GORGEOUS kit coming out soon!!
I leave you with a photo of Woodstock and Snoopy. This sits right outside of the entrance to IKEA.

~ xoxo ~
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I always get screwed at the drive-thru.
Even when I try to screw them back.
I was at the drive-thru this morning with the kids as I was desperately needing a fountain Coke from McDonalds.
(Sidebar ~ What is it with their fountain Coke? It's the only delicious fountain Coke out there!)
They tried to screw me so I tried to screw them back. It only resulted in me getting screwed even worse.
McDonalds ~ 1
Hunzer ~ 0
Have a wonderful Saturday! The Husband and I are taking the kids to IKEA and then to my best friend's new house for a *Not* Going Away party. Time to get in the shower and get ready for some SHOPPING!
(I don't know if I've mentioned it but we are NOT moving to Arkansas. Just wanted to throw that out there! *wink*)
~ xoxo ~
Even when I try to screw them back.
I was at the drive-thru this morning with the kids as I was desperately needing a fountain Coke from McDonalds.
(Sidebar ~ What is it with their fountain Coke? It's the only delicious fountain Coke out there!)
They tried to screw me so I tried to screw them back. It only resulted in me getting screwed even worse.
McDonalds ~ 1
Hunzer ~ 0
Have a wonderful Saturday! The Husband and I are taking the kids to IKEA and then to my best friend's new house for a *Not* Going Away party. Time to get in the shower and get ready for some SHOPPING!
(I don't know if I've mentioned it but we are NOT moving to Arkansas. Just wanted to throw that out there! *wink*)
~ xoxo ~
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
I'm cranky.
The husband and I were squabbling earlier today. All is well now but still, there is always that cloud of poop looming over you shortly after a fight.
At least I was able to do a little shopping today. I took the kids to the mothership (aka, Target) and was able to get some necessities along with some goodies. My favorite being these:

These just scream SUMMER to me.
Plus they were on clearance.
Since my digi Rebel's battery charger is officially lost, I ordered one on today. I can't wait to recharge the camera and get some CAAAA-UTE summer pics of the kids in the upcoming weeks.
The baby boy child had his first splash in the kiddie pool today. He loved it so much that I ended up in the pool with him, fully clothed. Oh well. It's just water, right?
I plan to get new pools for the kids in the next week or two. I was looking at them today but didn't buy any. Shocking, I know. I'm going to buy this one for the big kids and their friends:

I came across an adorable one for kids like the baby boy child. He will LOVE it! I can't wait to get it and set it up for him. I tried to find it on but to no avail. They have some HUGE ASS pools on there though!!
I'm off to rearrange some bedrooms. It's always fun making things "new" again.
~ xoxo ~
I'm cranky.
The husband and I were squabbling earlier today. All is well now but still, there is always that cloud of poop looming over you shortly after a fight.
At least I was able to do a little shopping today. I took the kids to the mothership (aka, Target) and was able to get some necessities along with some goodies. My favorite being these:

These just scream SUMMER to me.
Plus they were on clearance.
Since my digi Rebel's battery charger is officially lost, I ordered one on today. I can't wait to recharge the camera and get some CAAAA-UTE summer pics of the kids in the upcoming weeks.
The baby boy child had his first splash in the kiddie pool today. He loved it so much that I ended up in the pool with him, fully clothed. Oh well. It's just water, right?
I plan to get new pools for the kids in the next week or two. I was looking at them today but didn't buy any. Shocking, I know. I'm going to buy this one for the big kids and their friends:

I came across an adorable one for kids like the baby boy child. He will LOVE it! I can't wait to get it and set it up for him. I tried to find it on but to no avail. They have some HUGE ASS pools on there though!!
I'm off to rearrange some bedrooms. It's always fun making things "new" again.
~ xoxo ~
Friday, June 08, 2007
You know how we were moving to Arkansas in 21 days?
If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty fucking excited about this. I did everything in my power to be excited for our move but the honest truth is that I did NOT want to move.
The last 48 hours have been extremely crazy with shit hitting the fan left and right.
We found out this morning, in a completely SHOCKING turn of events, that the Husband's work has decided to let us STAY HERE instead of having to move to Arkansas. When I say shocking, I mean I was speechless and I don't get speechless.
It's a long story, one that I won't go in to, but let me just say that everything has worked out PERFECTLY. And I don't have to leave my Mommy now!!
~ xoxo ~
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I'm moving 880 miles south in less than a month.
So tell me, what things do I need to know about living in the south? More specifically, Central Arkansas?
Be brutally honest if you have to, I can take it. I was already called a Damn Yankee. :)
~ xoxo ~
Be brutally honest if you have to, I can take it. I was already called a Damn Yankee. :)
~ xoxo ~
Monday, June 04, 2007
Have you pooped today?
If not, watch this video. Afterwards, when you are sitting on the toilet trying to pinch one off, you will be singing this song in your head.
While *I* was singing this song in my head, I started thinking about how much I want a clothesline at my new house. I love the smell of line-dried clothing. It has been years since I've used a clothesline. Since the Husband and I do laundry for six people, I was trying to think of ways to make it more efficient. However, I think a clothesline will be frowned upon in our new neighborhood. They have all sorts of rules against blocking the view of the Arkansas River so this idea won't work.
I guess that is okay because while I love the smell of line-dried clothes, I really hate taking clothes off the line and getting chased by bees. That ALWAYS happened to me when I was a kid. I hate bees! It's like they sit in the armpit of a shirt and just wait to terrorize you when you come out to get the clothes. Have you ever been chased by a bee through a clothesline FULL of clothes? It's like running in a fucking corn maze.
In the words of Dane Cook...
"Fuck bees!" Although in this clip, I'm more afraid of the horse...
On a completely different subject, I actually scrapped last night! My friend Miki released a new kit called "Paraiso". It is friggin' ass GORGEOUS. I put the kids to bed and went to town. I'm still new to this digital scrapbooking thing so if your comments are harsh, you can suck my back. I just started taking a PSE 5.0 class online so I will hopefully have some mad PSE skills in about a month.
Our very own Princess Ariel

"Paraiso" digital kit by Microferk Designs"
Zig-Zag Stitching by Gina Miller
"Stitched Stuff Combo" by Anne Dejong
Vintage Frames by Nancy Comelab
If this is too big and it fucks up your screen, let me know. It is fine on mine but I'm not sure about you!
I had my 2nd weigh-in for Weight Watchers today. My WW group was closed last Monday because of Memorial Day so we went TWO WEEKS between weigh-ins. I was nervous as I haven't been diligent in counting points. I've been makine wise food choices and eating small portions but you never know if it works until you hit that scale.
I lost 4.4 pounds! This brings my total to 6.6 pounds since I started three weeks ago. Only 19 pounds to go baby!! If I make that goal, I may add another 5-10 pounds just to see if I can do it. I have to look good in Mexico come November, kwim?
For you crocheters that are out there, go check out the sneak peak of the upcoming Crochet Today issue. OMG ~ I'm in love with some of the projects!!
Crochet Today Magazine
I want to make the Baby Rattles, the Cute Little Cardi, Ring Coasters, Baby Blues Dress...I could go on and on.
~ xoxo ~
While *I* was singing this song in my head, I started thinking about how much I want a clothesline at my new house. I love the smell of line-dried clothing. It has been years since I've used a clothesline. Since the Husband and I do laundry for six people, I was trying to think of ways to make it more efficient. However, I think a clothesline will be frowned upon in our new neighborhood. They have all sorts of rules against blocking the view of the Arkansas River so this idea won't work.
I guess that is okay because while I love the smell of line-dried clothes, I really hate taking clothes off the line and getting chased by bees. That ALWAYS happened to me when I was a kid. I hate bees! It's like they sit in the armpit of a shirt and just wait to terrorize you when you come out to get the clothes. Have you ever been chased by a bee through a clothesline FULL of clothes? It's like running in a fucking corn maze.
In the words of Dane Cook...
"Fuck bees!" Although in this clip, I'm more afraid of the horse...
On a completely different subject, I actually scrapped last night! My friend Miki released a new kit called "Paraiso". It is friggin' ass GORGEOUS. I put the kids to bed and went to town. I'm still new to this digital scrapbooking thing so if your comments are harsh, you can suck my back. I just started taking a PSE 5.0 class online so I will hopefully have some mad PSE skills in about a month.

"Paraiso" digital kit by Microferk Designs"
Zig-Zag Stitching by Gina Miller
"Stitched Stuff Combo" by Anne Dejong
Vintage Frames by Nancy Comelab
If this is too big and it fucks up your screen, let me know. It is fine on mine but I'm not sure about you!
I had my 2nd weigh-in for Weight Watchers today. My WW group was closed last Monday because of Memorial Day so we went TWO WEEKS between weigh-ins. I was nervous as I haven't been diligent in counting points. I've been makine wise food choices and eating small portions but you never know if it works until you hit that scale.
I lost 4.4 pounds! This brings my total to 6.6 pounds since I started three weeks ago. Only 19 pounds to go baby!! If I make that goal, I may add another 5-10 pounds just to see if I can do it. I have to look good in Mexico come November, kwim?
For you crocheters that are out there, go check out the sneak peak of the upcoming Crochet Today issue. OMG ~ I'm in love with some of the projects!!
Crochet Today Magazine
I want to make the Baby Rattles, the Cute Little Cardi, Ring Coasters, Baby Blues Dress...I could go on and on.
~ xoxo ~
Saturday, June 02, 2007
I *heart* new digi toys!!
I should be crocheting right now, and I will get to it shortly, but I had to play around with my new digi-scrapbooking toys. Damn that Gina Miller ~ she's a HUGE enabler (and incredibly friggin' talented!).

Vintage Frames by Nancy Comelab
Stitched Tags by Anne Dejong
Now, where's that blankie I need to work on?
~ xoxo ~
PS ~ I used Husband's digital camera for these photos as my Canon dRebel has a dead battery and the charger is in a hotel 800 miles away. Yeah. I rock. Anyways, the lighting sucked, my PSE skills suck, etc. Blame Canada.

Vintage Frames by Nancy Comelab
Stitched Tags by Anne Dejong
Now, where's that blankie I need to work on?
~ xoxo ~
PS ~ I used Husband's digital camera for these photos as my Canon dRebel has a dead battery and the charger is in a hotel 800 miles away. Yeah. I rock. Anyways, the lighting sucked, my PSE skills suck, etc. Blame Canada.
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