That's me.
There might be a little bit of pee dribbling down my leg, too.

(See that rickety ass tower in the back? We zipped to it. Yeah.
Now you understand the whole "pee-dribble" issue.)
I also rapelled into a cave with my BFF Estrella. ;) I don't rockclimb. I don't rapell. If you have ever read this blog, you know that I fall with ease. This was hard as hell...scary too. I liked it.

After the rapelling adventure, we went snorkeling in a cenote ~ a freshwater area in a cave. Before we got in the water, our guide told us that it was cold but we couldn't be loud about it.
Because we would wake the bats.
There were fucking BATS in there.
And they DID wake up.
I'm sitting in this freezing ass water with a snorkel on my face thinking "I could conquer my fear of icky things that live in the water by keeping my face in or I could keep my face out of the water, get bit by an angry bat and die of rabies like the dude in MN a few weeks ago."
I kept my face in the water as much as possible.

I conquered a few fears that day ~ heights with the ziplines and rapelling, and water/bats with the cenote shit.
Oh, and I let this little beauty crawl up my arm...

Yes, she's as big as she looks. Meet "Spidey".
I have no photos of her crawling up my arm but I do have a video of it.
(*ahem, Ron...)
~ xoxo ~
PS...I'm well aware of the ginormous camel-toe that I'm sporting. Hey man ~ you try be harnessed to a wire, flying through the air in the mo'fo' jungle and see how nice your vajayjay looks when you are done!!
PPS...After a day like this, we need several shots of this!

AWESOME adrenaline dude. I forgot about the sparkly "30" tanks. Nice!
You are either the bravest, most inspiring friend I have.....or the biggest absolute f#*$ing moron I have ever seen!!!! I haven't decided which..... Ha ha ha!!! LMAO!!!! Although, it looks like you had a fabulous time!!!
Anybody that Rapells with Flip Flops on is a GOD in my book! Looks like you had so much fun, thanks for the laughs, you crack me up!
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