The new me:

My husband and I met eleven years ago today. I created this two-page layout for Ready, Set, Create! (paper crafting e-zine) that highlights "My Lucky Day".

Happy Anniversary Bonz! I love you.
Only FIVE DAYS before my baby basket is removed. I've been dealing with endometriosis since the age of sixteen and the horrible effects from it. After seven laparoscopies and numerous medications, I'm done. DONE DONE DONE. The uterus is being evicted and I couldn't be happier. It's given me three beautiful children and I no longer need its services or its pain. Goodbye sweet Utes. I'll miss you...okay, not so much.
I leave you with a little poem by my friend Kri:
You have served me well
These many years
Though you cramped my body
And left me in tears
From an early age
I learned not to wear white
Like the acid in Aliens
You ate through every layer in sight
Every vacation
Every big event
You followed me around
Wherever I went
But now it is time
To bid you "adieu"
To get rid of the pads
And the strings and the "eww"
So, without a tear
I say then, farewell
And, I look forward to my next phase:
Old Lady Twat Smell
Until next time...
A new look for sure - love it!
Awesome poem - leaves me feeling jealous.
That was the best thing I have read in a LONG time.
oh my hell! girl you so keep me in stitches! and loving the new haircut!
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