When Mister Hunzer and I separated, he told me that I had to take the cat with me or get rid of her. I didn't want to get rid of her but I couldn't take her with me to my new place. I put up a poster at work advertising a free kitty to a good home. One of our chemo nurses took her in about a month and a half ago.
Two weeks ago, Ariel got out of her new house and was bit in the leg by some sort of animal. They don't know what bit her, just that it got her good...it punctured her bone. Ariel was in the vet clinic for a few days and just couldn't get better so my coworker had to put her down. :(
Rest in peace Ariel ~ you were such a sweet kitty minus the regurgitation of rodents, birds and bunnies. *sniff*

~ xoxo ~
Oooh moo-kitty, I'm sooooo sorry you didn't get to grow old and chubby. This kitty lived her life fantastically - full of spunk and vigor and mewling delight. I miss you lady Ariel!!!
hugs hunzer, i love you !!
Awww! Im so sorry to hear of this. ((HUGS))
aww...hunzy i'm saddened to hear little oreo is gone (i'll always think of her as Oreo since you called her that) she was the cutest thing. *hugs*
So sorry for you....
(big hugs)
I am so sorry. She was so sweet in the photos and stories you shared.
so very sorry to hear about your cat.
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