~ Kids are having a rough week.
Thing 1 has the stomach flu something fierce today. She's miserable.
Thing 2 has terrible allergies and they are making his eyes turn red, itch and puff out. Claritin helps a little but eye drops work wonders. It's just trying to get him to allow us to put in the eye drops that is the challenge.
The Baby Boy Child (aka, Stewie) fell on Sunday requiring stitches to close the cut on his chin. Instead of stitches, the ER doc decided to bond it shut. Now it's infected and will most likely need to be redone. Delicious.
~ I'm on a break from school until July 14th. THANK GOD. I was burnt out and my grade for my last class proves it. Sigh. Only one year left. I can do this.
~ The Boyfriend and I are no longer together.
~ That being said...I'm crazy in love. CRAZY IN LOVE. It's actually kind of gross. :) Let's just say we are smitten. Smitten kittens. (barf) He's in the Navy...and he's all mine. We've known each other for almost four years. This is it kids. He's my lobster. (seriously ~ doesn't it make you want to gag??) He and I have big plans. My Sailorman. *swoon*
Now for some pictures!!
