That was my last post?
Where the FUCK did the time go?
I have a lot to say.
But right now.
I have to study.
Story of my life.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
It's time to re-name my blog.
I am no longer just going through life comfortably numb. I have found peace. I have found happiness. I have found courage. I have found love.
Finding these things has not been easy for me and I have disappointed people along the way. I finally decided to do things because *I* wanted to, not because it would make so-and-so happy.
Mr. Hunzer and I split up over a year-and-a-half ago. We had been having problems for 2-3 years before that, separating for a few months in the fall of 2005, but finally came to the agreement to just go our separate ways. We live two blocks apart from each other, we are co-parenting our kids and we are still friends. I still call/text him when I have something goofy to say and vice versa. We were basically friends and roommates for the last few years of our marriage. I'm glad we ended things when we did because it has made the last year and a half bearable. We do not resent each other but respect each other. It's nice for us...and really weirds people out who find out that we are no longer together but still get along. I will always love him. He is the father to my children. He is a wonderful, wonderful man and the 2nd greatest father I know (the first being my own dad, duh).
In August 2008 I started grad school online at the University of Phoenix. I'm getting my MBA in Healthcare Administration. It's definitely not easy. In fact, it is a HELL of a lot more difficult than I ever imagined. I only have a year left of school. After that, I may go for one more MBA in Marketing or something...might as well since I'll have the core MBA classes done.
In March 2009 I lost my job at the cancer center. I didn't get laid off. My stupid ass got fired. I was "late" too many times. Frankly I find their reasoning a crock of SHIT and I would LOVE to battle it out but I'm too heartbroken to care. I loved that job and loved my patients even more. I miss the patients terribly. I miss some of my coworkers terribly.
I spent 3 months off of work and doing the stay-at-home Mom thing again. Yuck. I did it for over 7 years before I got the job at the cancer center in October 2007. Being off of work for those three months showed me that I needed to get a job to keep my sanity. I love my babies more than life itself...but holy hell. I like adult interaction, money and freedom too.
I started my current job at the end of June as a Client Service Supervisor doing release-of-information for a large health care system in the Twin Cities. The best part? It's 2nd shift baby!! I don't start work until 3pm and finish at 11:30pm (at the earliest). I'm not a morning person AT ALL. I love my job so far. We are crazy busy and overtime is not an issue. Shit ~ I'll take time-and-a-half anytime!!
Did I mention that I have found love? Well, I have and cannot believe how lucky I am to have him in my life. He's everything to me. Best part? He loves my kids. Worst part? He's currently on deployment in the Western Pacific. Yep, he's in the Navy. This is his first deployment. He joined the navy at the beginning of this the age of 29. He's wanted to do it for a while and finally did. We've known each other for a few years but reconnected earlier this year and BAM ~ wedding bells are ringing!
Oh, I forgot to mention that we are engaged?
We are going to do the long-distance thing until he is able to get out of the Navy (2013). He is stationed on a ship in San Diego. My ass is staying put in Minnesota. I love where I live and could never uproot the kids. Besides, I would never in a million years put Mr. Hunzer through that stress. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. The kids really like him and already have a ton of ideas for the wedding. I have a few ideas myself but I know this for sure ~ there isn't going to be a big blow-out wedding. In fact, there just may be an elopement first and then an official wedding a year or two down the road. Shhhh... Thing 1 says she already has a wedding present for me and Sailorman. She wants to be the flower girl. Thing 2 said he wants to walk me down the aisle. The Baby Boy Child will be the ring bearer. I've decided that I want both Thing 1 and Thing 2 to walk me down the aisle with the BBC carrying the rings right in front of us.
Mr. Hunzer is in a relationship too. I haven't met her but I hear good things about her. Mr. Hunzer seems very happy with her. She has nine-year-old son so my kids have a playmate when they hang out. I told Mr. Hunzer that as long as she is good to the kids AND to him, then I'm cool with it. The second she starts treating any of them badly, including Mr. Hunz, then I will stomp her guts out.
I'm just sayin'...
Enough babbling. I think it's high time for a photo update!!

New Ink #1 (mine is the right one, it's the kanji symbol for "love" on my left wrist. Sailorman's is the kanji symbol for "eternal" on his chest, over his heart):

New Ink #2 ~ It means "forever in my heart". The initials ACW are my stepdaughter's initials. The initials CAM are those of a friend who died in 1994 at the age of 14.


This last photo is very indicative of my life right now...

~ xoxo ~
Now, off to brainstorm a new name for the blog...
I am no longer just going through life comfortably numb. I have found peace. I have found happiness. I have found courage. I have found love.
Finding these things has not been easy for me and I have disappointed people along the way. I finally decided to do things because *I* wanted to, not because it would make so-and-so happy.
Mr. Hunzer and I split up over a year-and-a-half ago. We had been having problems for 2-3 years before that, separating for a few months in the fall of 2005, but finally came to the agreement to just go our separate ways. We live two blocks apart from each other, we are co-parenting our kids and we are still friends. I still call/text him when I have something goofy to say and vice versa. We were basically friends and roommates for the last few years of our marriage. I'm glad we ended things when we did because it has made the last year and a half bearable. We do not resent each other but respect each other. It's nice for us...and really weirds people out who find out that we are no longer together but still get along. I will always love him. He is the father to my children. He is a wonderful, wonderful man and the 2nd greatest father I know (the first being my own dad, duh).
In August 2008 I started grad school online at the University of Phoenix. I'm getting my MBA in Healthcare Administration. It's definitely not easy. In fact, it is a HELL of a lot more difficult than I ever imagined. I only have a year left of school. After that, I may go for one more MBA in Marketing or something...might as well since I'll have the core MBA classes done.
In March 2009 I lost my job at the cancer center. I didn't get laid off. My stupid ass got fired. I was "late" too many times. Frankly I find their reasoning a crock of SHIT and I would LOVE to battle it out but I'm too heartbroken to care. I loved that job and loved my patients even more. I miss the patients terribly. I miss some of my coworkers terribly.
I spent 3 months off of work and doing the stay-at-home Mom thing again. Yuck. I did it for over 7 years before I got the job at the cancer center in October 2007. Being off of work for those three months showed me that I needed to get a job to keep my sanity. I love my babies more than life itself...but holy hell. I like adult interaction, money and freedom too.
I started my current job at the end of June as a Client Service Supervisor doing release-of-information for a large health care system in the Twin Cities. The best part? It's 2nd shift baby!! I don't start work until 3pm and finish at 11:30pm (at the earliest). I'm not a morning person AT ALL. I love my job so far. We are crazy busy and overtime is not an issue. Shit ~ I'll take time-and-a-half anytime!!
Did I mention that I have found love? Well, I have and cannot believe how lucky I am to have him in my life. He's everything to me. Best part? He loves my kids. Worst part? He's currently on deployment in the Western Pacific. Yep, he's in the Navy. This is his first deployment. He joined the navy at the beginning of this the age of 29. He's wanted to do it for a while and finally did. We've known each other for a few years but reconnected earlier this year and BAM ~ wedding bells are ringing!
Oh, I forgot to mention that we are engaged?
We are going to do the long-distance thing until he is able to get out of the Navy (2013). He is stationed on a ship in San Diego. My ass is staying put in Minnesota. I love where I live and could never uproot the kids. Besides, I would never in a million years put Mr. Hunzer through that stress. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. The kids really like him and already have a ton of ideas for the wedding. I have a few ideas myself but I know this for sure ~ there isn't going to be a big blow-out wedding. In fact, there just may be an elopement first and then an official wedding a year or two down the road. Shhhh... Thing 1 says she already has a wedding present for me and Sailorman. She wants to be the flower girl. Thing 2 said he wants to walk me down the aisle. The Baby Boy Child will be the ring bearer. I've decided that I want both Thing 1 and Thing 2 to walk me down the aisle with the BBC carrying the rings right in front of us.
Mr. Hunzer is in a relationship too. I haven't met her but I hear good things about her. Mr. Hunzer seems very happy with her. She has nine-year-old son so my kids have a playmate when they hang out. I told Mr. Hunzer that as long as she is good to the kids AND to him, then I'm cool with it. The second she starts treating any of them badly, including Mr. Hunz, then I will stomp her guts out.
I'm just sayin'...
Enough babbling. I think it's high time for a photo update!!

New Ink #1 (mine is the right one, it's the kanji symbol for "love" on my left wrist. Sailorman's is the kanji symbol for "eternal" on his chest, over his heart):

New Ink #2 ~ It means "forever in my heart". The initials ACW are my stepdaughter's initials. The initials CAM are those of a friend who died in 1994 at the age of 14.


This last photo is very indicative of my life right now...

~ xoxo ~
Now, off to brainstorm a new name for the blog...
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Quickie Update and Pictures Galore!
~ Started a new job on the 22nd. When they offered me this position, they offered me the supervisor position for the position that I actually interviewed for. Did that even make sense? Anyways, I work 2nd shift for a healthcare system in Minneapolis. I *heart* 2nd shift.
~ Kids are having a rough week.
Thing 1 has the stomach flu something fierce today. She's miserable.
Thing 2 has terrible allergies and they are making his eyes turn red, itch and puff out. Claritin helps a little but eye drops work wonders. It's just trying to get him to allow us to put in the eye drops that is the challenge.
The Baby Boy Child (aka, Stewie) fell on Sunday requiring stitches to close the cut on his chin. Instead of stitches, the ER doc decided to bond it shut. Now it's infected and will most likely need to be redone. Delicious.
~ I'm on a break from school until July 14th. THANK GOD. I was burnt out and my grade for my last class proves it. Sigh. Only one year left. I can do this.
~ The Boyfriend and I are no longer together.
~ That being said...I'm crazy in love. CRAZY IN LOVE. It's actually kind of gross. :) Let's just say we are smitten. Smitten kittens. (barf) He's in the Navy...and he's all mine. We've known each other for almost four years. This is it kids. He's my lobster. (seriously ~ doesn't it make you want to gag??) He and I have big plans. My Sailorman. *swoon*
Now for some pictures!!

~ Kids are having a rough week.
Thing 1 has the stomach flu something fierce today. She's miserable.
Thing 2 has terrible allergies and they are making his eyes turn red, itch and puff out. Claritin helps a little but eye drops work wonders. It's just trying to get him to allow us to put in the eye drops that is the challenge.
The Baby Boy Child (aka, Stewie) fell on Sunday requiring stitches to close the cut on his chin. Instead of stitches, the ER doc decided to bond it shut. Now it's infected and will most likely need to be redone. Delicious.
~ I'm on a break from school until July 14th. THANK GOD. I was burnt out and my grade for my last class proves it. Sigh. Only one year left. I can do this.
~ The Boyfriend and I are no longer together.
~ That being said...I'm crazy in love. CRAZY IN LOVE. It's actually kind of gross. :) Let's just say we are smitten. Smitten kittens. (barf) He's in the Navy...and he's all mine. We've known each other for almost four years. This is it kids. He's my lobster. (seriously ~ doesn't it make you want to gag??) He and I have big plans. My Sailorman. *swoon*
Now for some pictures!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Little random quickie...
My daughter (8) told me that she had a dream that half of her ring finger fell off. When she looked at it, there was corn and puke inside the stump.
Nice and descriptive...I'm raising her right!
~ xoxo ~
Nice and descriptive...I'm raising her right!
~ xoxo ~
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Hey fuckers...guess who's back???
That would be ME!!!
I realized I haven't updated this bitch in almost four months so believe me when I say that there is a whole lotta updates headed your way.
Want a quickie? Here you go:
I'm jobless. The lack of cash blows but the vegging on the deck in the sun during the day kicks ASS.
I'm still in grad school.
Thing 1 just turned 8.
Thing 2 is now 6 1/2. This kid...oye.
The Baby Boy Child (2.5) is cute as fuck but his tantrums are damn near exhausting.
I saw Staind for the 7th or 8th time on April 25th.
I will see Staind for the 8th or 9th time on July 2nd.
I'm job-hunting.
I'm studying.
I'm working out.
I'm trying to stay sane while I attempt this SAHM thing again. I have quickly realized that I do NOT like it. BTDT...I want to be in the working world again.
I have several ideas for little projects that I hope to get cracking on soon.
I've developed an insatiable appetitie for Coors Light and Starling Castle Riesing.
See you soon my pretties.
I realized I haven't updated this bitch in almost four months so believe me when I say that there is a whole lotta updates headed your way.
Want a quickie? Here you go:
I'm jobless. The lack of cash blows but the vegging on the deck in the sun during the day kicks ASS.
I'm still in grad school.
Thing 1 just turned 8.
Thing 2 is now 6 1/2. This kid...oye.
The Baby Boy Child (2.5) is cute as fuck but his tantrums are damn near exhausting.
I saw Staind for the 7th or 8th time on April 25th.
I will see Staind for the 8th or 9th time on July 2nd.
I'm job-hunting.
I'm studying.
I'm working out.
I'm trying to stay sane while I attempt this SAHM thing again. I have quickly realized that I do NOT like it. BTDT...I want to be in the working world again.
I have several ideas for little projects that I hope to get cracking on soon.
I've developed an insatiable appetitie for Coors Light and Starling Castle Riesing.
See you soon my pretties.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
{ Conversation with a friend }
I opened up a new bottle of vitamins the other morning and they smelled HORRIBLE.
Me: "Oh my god these smell like SHIT!!"
Friend: "Well don't make me smell them!"
Me: "I won't but I have to put these things in my mouth."
Friend: "I know you've had worse things in your mouth."
Me: "Yeah but at least those taste good!"
Friend: "Ewww...maybe if it's covered in chocolate."
Me: "It could be if you stick it in the wrong hole."
~ xoxo ~
Me: "Oh my god these smell like SHIT!!"
Friend: "Well don't make me smell them!"
Me: "I won't but I have to put these things in my mouth."
Friend: "I know you've had worse things in your mouth."
Me: "Yeah but at least those taste good!"
Friend: "Ewww...maybe if it's covered in chocolate."
Me: "It could be if you stick it in the wrong hole."
~ xoxo ~
Saturday, January 10, 2009
{ Just a Quickie}
Tonight during our nice, quiet sit-down dinner, my six-year-old son asks my seven-year-old daughter...
"Which of your boogers is your favorite?"
Before she could answer, he answered it himself with...
"Mine are the ones that shoot out towards the tv."
"Which of your boogers is your favorite?"
Before she could answer, he answered it himself with...
"Mine are the ones that shoot out towards the tv."
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