Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tired yet wide awake.

How does that happen? Oh, it's because I'm in a totally giddy mood. I haven't had an anxiety attack since my last post, which is good because I've had several in the past week. I'm still feeling sick to my stomach on a daily basis but I can see my mood is dramatically improving.


Only TWO DAYS until the weekend. I need the weekend in a bad, bad way.

~ xoxo ~


Stacia Howard said...

Hope you are doing fab my sassy bitch! Miss your humor these days. No internet at the new place yet. *smoochies*

the real ~Roxann~ said...

Hey! Hope you're feeling better. Been thinking about you alot. Getting some sleep? Less anxiety? You're right, anxiety attacks do suck. I hope you are doing better.
